Assoc. Prof. M. Cengiz Onbaşlı has been awarded funding from the European Partnership on Metrology. Highlighted News

Assoc. Prof. M. Cengiz Onbaşlı has been awarded funding from the European Partnership on Metrology.

Assoc. Prof. M. Cengiz Onbaşlı, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, has been awarded funding from the European Partnership on Metrology for his project titled “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Materials and Devices for Metrology (QuAHMET).” QuAHMET project aims to advance beyond the limitations of traditional Quantum Hall effect (QHE) devices, which rely on low temperatures and high magnetic fields. These constraints restrict their use outside of national metrology institutes. The Quantum Anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) offers a promising alternative, maintaining the high accuracy of the primary resistance standard (PRS) without the need for extreme conditions. This project focuses on growing, characterizing, and evaluating thin films for QAHE, and developing devices from them. It includes comprehensive metrological assessments spanning temperatures from sub-Kelvin to above 1 Kelvin, currents ranging from below 100 nanoamps to above 1 microamp, and magnetic fields up to several Tesla.

KARMA Lab was awarded funding for the project Awards and Honors

KARMA Lab was awarded funding for the project "HERIFORGE"

Koç University KARMA Lab was awarded funding under the HORIZON-WIDERA-ACCESS-07 Excellence Hubs call within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for the project "Cultural Heritage and Immersive Technologies for Innovation Forge" (HERIFORGE).

MiReKoc Secures Prestigious MSCA PhD Network Funding Awards and Honors

MiReKoc Secures Prestigious MSCA PhD Network Funding

We are thrilled to announce that the Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) has been awarded funding as a partner in the esteemed Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network.

2023 Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index Highlighted News

2023 Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index

Koç University has been ranked as the top research university in Türkiye, according to the 2023 results of the Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index conducted by YÖK (Higher Education Council of Türkiye). The index comprises 23 universities, including 20 state universities and 3 foundation universities, evaluated on the basis of their Research Capacity, Research Quality, and Interaction and Cooperation.

2023-2024 Annual Report is now online! Highlighted News

2023-2024 Annual Report is now online!

Our 2023-2024 Annual Report, now available online, underscores the profound synergy between research and innovation while reflecting Koç University's unwavering commitment to sustainability. We invite everyone to explore and enjoy this comprehensive overview.

KUISCID August Newsletter is on air! Science & Technology

KUISCID August Newsletter is on air!

KUISCID August Newsletter is on air!

Professor Ayşe Zarakol has been elected as a member of the British Academy Awards and Honors

Professor Ayşe Zarakol has been elected as a member of the British Academy

Professor Ayşe Zarakol, recipient of the 2023 Koç University Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal, was recognized by the British Academy as one of the leading scientists in the humanities and social sciences and was elected to a fellowship.

Prof. Dr. Bilge Yıldız Awarded the Faraday Medal Awards and Honors

Prof. Dr. Bilge Yıldız Awarded the Faraday Medal

Professor Bilge Yıldız, recipient of the 2022 Koç University Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal, has been honored with the prestigious Faraday Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

KUISCID July Newsletter is on air!	Research

KUISCID July Newsletter is on air!

KUISCID July Newsletter is on air!

Not So Innocent: Clerics, Monarchs, and the Ethnoreligious Cleansing of Western Europe Research

Not So Innocent: Clerics, Monarchs, and the Ethnoreligious Cleansing of Western Europe

Prof. Şener Aktürk from our Department of International Relations published the article “Not So Innocent: Clerics, Monarchs, and the Ethnoreligious Cleansing of Western Europe," which examines the causes and consequences of the ethno-religious cleansing of non-Christians in medieval Western Europe in International Security, one of the most prestigious journals in the field.

Highlighted News 2024-08-19 06:41

Assoc. Prof. M. Cengiz Onbaşlı has been awarded funding from the European Partnership on Metrology.

Assoc. Prof. M. Cengiz Onbaşlı, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, has been awarded funding from the European Partnership on Metrology for his project titled “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Materials and Devices for Metrology (QuAHMET).” QuAHMET project aims to advance beyond the limitations of traditional Quantum Hall effect (QHE) devices, which rely on low temperatures and high magnetic fields. These constraints restrict their use outside of national metrology institutes. The Quantum Anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) offers a promising alternative, maintaining the high accuracy of the primary resistance standard (PRS) without the need for extreme conditions. This project focuses on growing, characterizing, and evaluating thin films for QAHE, and developing devices from them. It includes comprehensive metrological assessments spanning temperatures from sub-Kelvin to above 1 Kelvin, currents ranging from below 100 nanoamps to above 1 microamp, and magnetic fields up to several Tesla.

Awards and Honors 2024-07-25 07:27

KARMA Lab was awarded funding for the project "HERIFORGE"

Koç University KARMA Lab was awarded funding under the HORIZON-WIDERA-ACCESS-07 Excellence Hubs call within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for the project "Cultural Heritage and Immersive Technologies for Innovation Forge" (HERIFORGE).

Awards and Honors 2024-07-25 07:40

MiReKoc Secures Prestigious MSCA PhD Network Funding

We are thrilled to announce that the Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) has been awarded funding as a partner in the esteemed Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network.

Highlighted News 2024-09-19 15:03

2023 Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index

Koç University has been ranked as the top research university in Türkiye, according to the 2023 results of the Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index conducted by YÖK (Higher Education Council of Türkiye). The index comprises 23 universities, including 20 state universities and 3 foundation universities, evaluated on the basis of their Research Capacity, Research Quality, and Interaction and Cooperation.

Highlighted News 2024-09-17 12:03

2023-2024 Annual Report is now online!

Our 2023-2024 Annual Report, now available online, underscores the profound synergy between research and innovation while reflecting Koç University's unwavering commitment to sustainability. We invite everyone to explore and enjoy this comprehensive overview.

Science & Technology 2024-09-02 11:06

KUISCID August Newsletter is on air!

KUISCID August Newsletter is on air!

Awards and Honors 2024-08-26 06:21

Professor Ayşe Zarakol has been elected as a member of the British Academy

Professor Ayşe Zarakol, recipient of the 2023 Koç University Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal, was recognized by the British Academy as one of the leading scientists in the humanities and social sciences and was elected to a fellowship.

Awards and Honors 2024-08-20 06:37

Prof. Dr. Bilge Yıldız Awarded the Faraday Medal

Professor Bilge Yıldız, recipient of the 2022 Koç University Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal, has been honored with the prestigious Faraday Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Research 2024-08-02 14:08

KUISCID July Newsletter is on air!

KUISCID July Newsletter is on air!

Research 2024-07-26 11:28

Not So Innocent: Clerics, Monarchs, and the Ethnoreligious Cleansing of Western Europe

Prof. Şener Aktürk from our Department of International Relations published the article “Not So Innocent: Clerics, Monarchs, and the Ethnoreligious Cleansing of Western Europe," which examines the causes and consequences of the ethno-religious cleansing of non-Christians in medieval Western Europe in International Security, one of the most prestigious journals in the field.