2024 – Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program

Asst. Prof. Erhun Özkan (Business Administration), Asst. Prof. Buse Cevatemre Yıldırım (School of Medicine), Asst. Prof. Işıl Aral (Law School), Asst. Prof. Serkan Kır (Molecular Biology and Genetics), Asst. Prof. Erkan Şenses (Chemical and Biological Engineering), Asst. Prof. Umut Varolgüneş (Mathematics), Asst. Prof. Sevcan Yeşiltaş (Economics), Asst. Prof. Livio Nicola Carenza (Physics) received the 2024 BAGEP Awards (Science Academy Young Scientist Awards Program).
Asst. Prof. Erhun Özkan, Operations Management in the Department of Business Administration, aims to find optimal decisions in manufacturing, maintenance, healthcare systems, and digital marketplaces by using mathematical models.

Asst. Prof. Buse Cevatemre Yıldırım, School of Medicine, aims to elucidate the mechanisms of drug resistance in cancer and determine strategies and therapeutic targets to overcome this resistance.

Asst. Prof. Işıl Aral, Law School, researches how the populist policies affect the interpretation of international human rights law on a global scale and the impact of these policies on human rights law in Türkiye.

Asst. Prof. Serkan Kır, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, aims to understand molecular mechanisms underlying cancer-associated metabolic dysfunction and skeletal muscle atrophy and to develop therapeutic tools targeting these mechanisms.

Asst. Prof. Erkan Şenses, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, aims to understand how the structure and motion of lipid bilayers in artificial cell models are affected by the extracellular environment using an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of polymer science, biophysics, and rheology.
Asst. Prof. Umut Varolgüneş, Department of Mathematics, aims to develop local-to-global principles in Floer theory and apply these in the context of maximal degenerations to study the symplectic geometry of smooth complex varieties.
Asst. Prof. Sevcan Yeşiltaş continues her research in the fields of applied macro-finance, international finance, and corporate finance. In her studies, she aims to measure the effects of the linkages between the real sector and financial markets on the aggregate economy by developing micro-data-driven econometric analyses and structural models as well as to provide policy implications based on the findings of her research.

Asst. Prof. Livio Nicola Carenza, Department of Physics, focuses his research on unraveling the intricate interactions that rule the dynamics and evolution of biological systems through the magnifying lens of physics. To achieve this goal, he employs a diverse range of techniques, from analytical to computational tools typical of hydrodynamics and liquid crystal physics, guided by the headlight of experimental observations.